About Worship – What to Expect

What is the worship service like?

In non-pandemic times, our service takes place in our Worship Space, a large hall in the one-story building on the campus with four pillars at the front portico. The service is based on the traditional Presbyterian liturgy with an emphasis on proclaiming God’s Word in scripture, sermon and music. The essential parts of the worship service are: Gathering Together; Confession and Response; Presentation of the Word; Our Response; Going Out to Serve.

The 10 am Sunday morning service begins with a musical prelude and welcome from the pastor. The service then generally includes a hymn of praise, a prayer of confession,  a time for greeting one another, a children’s story (pictured here), scripture readings, a musical offering and a sermon, followed by a closing prayer and hymn. The service lasts about one hour.

On the first Sunday of each month, and at a few other times during the year, the Sacrament of Communion is celebrated during the service. Through Communion, we remember Christ’s sacrifice for us by sharing a meal together of bread and juice.

After the service, we gather for light refreshments and fellowship. 

From time to time, the congregation meets to worship in the 1867 Sanctuary across Scotch Road.

Are there any classes or activities for my children during the service (in non-pandemic times!)?

Yes. Following the Children’s Story during the 10 am worship service, children through 2nd grade are escorted to Enrichment Time, which offers supervision, care of and activities for children during the remainder of the worship service. 

At 11:15 or so, Christian Education classes for all ages are offered.